vendredi 30 janvier 2015

List the files of another format while finding a certain name pattern

I had wanted to edit the txt files of videoA and videoB only if the movs files names contains the namespace -test

For eg.

|- videoA_v001_info.txt
|- videoB_v001_info.txt
|- videoC_v002_info.txt

Above, I want to edit videoDir/videoA/videoA_v001_info.txt and videoDir/videoB/videoB_v001_info.txt but not videoC_v002_info.txt since the corresponding .mov file name doesn't contain test.

I come up with the command - find -name "*.mov" | grep -rn "test" | find -name "*.txt", find -name "*.mov" | grep -rn "test" does indeed lists out the 2 files that fulfills the condition (videoA and videoB). I added infind -name "*.txt"` as I had thought it will filter it down to the txt files within the output results, however I was wrong as it is still listing all the txt files

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