I'm connected to a MQTT stream, and I filter out the data by entering :
mosquitto_sub -d -t +/# 2>&1 |
sed -n "/PUBLISH/{s|.*\('.*',\).*|\1$(date),|;N;s/\n//;p}"
into the Ubuntu terminal. This prints the only things that I am interested from the MQTT stream.
Now that I can do this I would like to dump this information into a qwerty.TXT
file. I've tried
mosquitto_sub -d -t +/# 2>&1 |
sed -n "/PUBLISH/{s|.*\('.*',\).*|\1$(date),|;N;s/\n//;w qwerty.txt}"
and got the following error:
sed: -e expression #1, char 0: unmatched '{'
I've looked into sed regex, and the examples are that w file.type
writes into the file file.type
where type can be .txt
for example.
I've also tried
mosquitto_sub -d -t +/# 2>&1 |
sed -n "/PUBLISH/{s|.*\('.*',\).*|\1$(date),|;N;s/\n//;p >> qwerty.txt}"
mosquitto_sub -d -t +/# 2>&1 |
sed -n "/PUBLISH/{s|.*\('.*',\).*|\1$(date),|;N;s/\n//;1a qwerty.txt}"
How can I print my filtered MQTT stream into a file named qwerty.txt
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