dimanche 1 mars 2015

attempting to put dynamic input data in a variable via cat method

I'm attempting to write a bash script that should be able to collect data from ttyS0 and put in a variable.

I need to talk with a device on the serial line, that is a module able to receive AT commands that I can send with echo > ttyS0 and capture the related answer in a variable. It's possible to do this without store the received answer in a variable (i.e. cat /dev/ttyS0 & ), but if I try to put this data in a variable (i.e. VAR=$(cat /dev/ttyS0 &) it doesn't work (in VAR I can not find anything after the answer of the module).

What I'm able to do "by hand" via gnome terminals (I'm working with a Ubuntu distribution) is the following:

  1. From a GNOME terminal that I call (A), I run (as root)

    # VAR=$(cat /dev/ttyS0)

    This command doesn't return the root prompt #, because probably cat /dev/ttyS0 is running and waiting for input.

  2. From another GNOME terminal that I call (B), I run

    # echo -en "hello in VAR\r" > /dev/ttyS0

    The hello in VAR string should go to /dev/ttyS0 and put by cat in VAR

  3. Then from (B):

    # killall cat

    From GNOME terminal (A) I can see that the prompt (#) returns;

  4. Finally from GNOME terminal (A):

    # echo "$VAR"

    and I receive the hello in VAR string.

I tried to implement this via bash script in this way:


killall cat


echo "before VARcat_dev_ttyS0"
VAR=$(cat /dev/ttyS0)
echo "after VARcat_dev_ttyS0"
echo -en "hello in VAR\r" > /dev/ttyS0
sleep 2
killall cat
echo "content of VAR: $VAR"

exit 0

but the script stops after echo "before VARcat_dev_ttyS0" How can I implement what I want or what I'm able to do with two GNOME terminals?

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