jeudi 26 février 2015

Print lines between two patterns matching a condition in awk

How can I print lines between two patterns which meet a certain condition?

For instance for an input file partially containing the following:

00:05:02 7.3 8.4 3.5
00:10:02 10 4.3 4.5
00:15:02 8.5 4.4 6.7
00:20:02 25.3 35.8 7.3
00:25:02 74.6 28.4 7.3
00:30:02 67.2 88.3 7.3
00:35:02 35.4 87.4 7.3
00:40:02 27.3 92.8 7.3
00:45:02 45.3 83.2 10.5
00:50:02 30 65.7 10.5
01:00:02 92.3 66.4 10.5
01:05:02 13.1 69.4 13.5
01:10:02 45.2 77.4 13.5
01:15:02 48.7 78.8 13.5
01:20:02 49.1 80.5 13.5
01:25:02 72 83.9 13.5

I would like to print the first time and swap value for each swap value larger than 7. So my output would be:

00:20:02 7.3
00:45:02 10.5
01:05:02 13.5

I have tried:

awk '/%SWAP/{flag=1;next}/End/{flag=0}flag' myFile

which prints all lines. I have also tried:

awk '/%SWAP/ {flag=1;next}
{if ($10 > max) {max=$10; print $1 " " $2 " " $4}}' myFile

but this gives me output from previous sections of the file for $4.

Does anyone have a solution for this? An explanation would be greatly appreciated.

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