samedi 29 novembre 2014

How to disable automont for external devices in OS 13.2?

openSUSE 13.2.

Previously I used OS 11.4 and I had old manual mount. Despite I copied all config files (I think) I noticed that unknown to /etc/fstab devices are automounted (known I defined as noauto). But since this is big difference in distro versions I am not so surprised.

So how to do this in OS 13.2? I would like to mount device manually by mount, and unmount also manually by umount. No other way, no smart timeout on inactivity or anything like that.

I would like to disable that feature at system core, nothing per desktop (for the record I use KDE 3.5, not a joke), so I could be 100% sure this problem will not apper again when working in pure console or another desktop.

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