lundi 1 décembre 2014

How to purge list of deleted files read by kio_trash

This is giving me the creeps.

Whenever starting okteta (hex editor) in console (i. e. quasi-debug) mode, I always get flooded with messages like these:

kio_trash(3210) TrashProtocol::createUDSEntry: couldn't stat "/home/user/.local/share/Trash/files/foobarbaz"

What on earth is this? And where does kio's method TrashProtocol::createUDSEntry() read this file list from? Doing a cd to $HOME/.local/share/Trash/files and cleaning up everything unfortunately didn't work; these kio_trash(...) lines keep appearing.

May i ask where this obsolete list of files is located so that I can get rid of this pointless noise once and for all?

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