jeudi 26 mars 2015

How to remove duplicate files using bash

I have a folder with duplicate (by md5sum (md5 on a Mac)) files, and I want to have a job scheduled to remove any found.

However, I'm stuck on how to do this. What I have so far:

md5 -r * | sort

Which outputs something like this:

04c5d52b7acdfbecd5f3bdd8a39bf8fb gordondam_en-au11915031300_1366x768.jpg
1e88c6899920d2c192897c886e764fc2 fortbourtange_zh-cn9788197909_1366x768.jpg
266ea304b15bf4a5650f95cf385b16de nebraskasupercell_fr-fr11286079811_1366x768.jpg
324735b755c40d332213899fa545c463 grossescheidegg_en-us10868142387_1366x768.jpg
3993028fcea692328e097de50b26f540 Soyuz Spacecraft Rolled Out For Launch of One Year Crew.png
677bcd6006a305f4601bfb27699403b0 lechaustria_zh-cn7190263094_1366x768.jpg
80d03451b88ec29bff7d48f292a25ce6 ontariosunrise_en-ca10284703762_1366x768.jpg
b6d9d24531bc62d2a26244d24624c4b1 manateeday_row10617199289_1366x768.jpg
ca1486dbdb31ef6af83e5a40809ec561 Grueling Coursework.jpg
cdf26393577ac2a61b6ce85d22daed24 Star trails over Mauna Kea.jpg
dc3ad6658d8f8155c74054991910f39c smoocave_en-au10358472670_1366x768.jpg
dc3ad6658d8f8155c74054991910f39c smoocave_en-au10358472670_1366x7682.jpg

How can I process based on the MD5 of the file to remove duplicates? I don't really care which "original" I keep - but I only want to keep one.

Should I be approaching this in a different manner?

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